The NZ Regional User Conferences (RUCs) were held last month, and the GBS team were present (and presenting) at many locations throughout the country. Here, Tony outlines his top 5 take-aways /
highlights from this year’s round.
How well the RUCs were generally patronised. There were some great attendances nationally, including some of the regions such as Whangarei, Taupo and Hamilton. Even Dunedin, which was relatively small, had some great presenters. Overall, the RUCs were slicker, and better organised.
- Quenten Higgan from AsureQuality’s presentation at the Taupo RUC, about his work dealing with the fruit fly outbreaks in Devonport and Otara. It was such a vibrant and passionate presentation that resonated with everyone who has to deal with stress in emergency situations. Hopefully we will see this at the NZEUC (and maybe beyond into the UC in San Diego in the future).
- Seeing the NWR story unfold via the various presenters at the RUCs nationally – Harley, Emma, Ana, Yvette and Tony – we all had different styles presenting the same story. We got better at it as we went along. Hoping to see this at the NZEUC.
- Quality of the presentations generally was very high. I think overall, the presentations at this year’s events were the best yet.
- Just being able to get around the country was awesome (if tiring). GBS visited Whangarei, Auckland (well, we live there), Hamilton, Taupo, Wellington, Blenheim, Christchurch and Dunedin. Great catching up with people, and of course meeting new people and making new contacts.
- (A sneaky sixth). Being in Dunedin on a Friday night with a certain well known NZ GIS personality. What goes on tour…..etc