Esri Web AppBuilder Retirement – What You Need to Know

In the dynamic world of GIS, staying up-to-date with evolving technologies is paramount. If you’re using Esri’s Web AppBuilder (WAB), it’s time to take note of the retirement timeline and plan your transition for a seamless web mapping experience.

Key Dates to Remember

WAB Developer Edition: It’s important to mark your calendar for July 2024. This is when the WAB Developer Edition will be officially retired, coinciding with the retirement of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.x.

WAB as part of ArcGIS Enterprise: As of February 27, 2023, WAB as a part of ArcGIS Enterprise has been deprecated. However, it will still be supported through until the first half of 2025, giving you some breathing room for migration.

WAB as part of ArcGIS Online: WAB will bid adieu to ArcGIS Online in the fourth quarter of 2025.

For the official blog from Esri regarding these changes, you can read the full article here.

Why the Change Matters

While your existing WAB applications might continue to function beyond these dates, Esri cannot guarantee their trouble-free operation. New web browser versions and updates to ArcGIS Enterprise could potentially render your WAB applications inoperable.

The Migration Path

The recommended migration path is to transition your WAB applications to ArcGIS Experience Builder while making use of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.x for any custom work.

ArcGIS Experience Builder has matured to a point where it offers most of WAB’s capabilities. You can check out the roadmap here to understand the evolution.

For those without custom code or widgets in their WAB applications, the migration process is relatively straightforward. Begin with a gap analysis to ensure that Experience Builder provides equivalent functionality, then configure your new applications using Experience Builder. While not mandatory, being on ArcGIS Enterprise 11.x is recommended for the full Experience Builder experience.

Custom Widgets

If your WAB applications do include custom widgets, the process may be more intricate. Start with a gap analysis to identify what Experience Builder offers out of the box and determine if any custom widgets are necessary. Create a project to build and deploy your replacement applications, including custom widgets if required.

Plan Early, Secure Resources

A crucial consideration is that there is a limited pool of resources in New Zealand who can undertake this work, especially for complex configurations and customisations. 

Our advice: don’t wait until the last minute to initiate this migration. Early planning ensures you have the budget and resources needed for a smooth transition.

GBS Is Your Partner

The team at GBS has the expertise in both WAB and Experience Builder, including customisation. We can assist with gap analysis and migrating your applications to Experience Builder. Contact us to discuss your needs and get ahead of the curve.

If you’re attending, meet us at the NZEUC Conference from 25-27 September 2023 in Auckland to chat this all through in person! Don’t miss the chance to secure a seamless transition for your web mapping applications.

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