Are you looking for a Web AppBuilder (WAB) for new modern mapping applications? GBS has excellent online resources to help you with this.
GBS has published an online list (including detailed descriptions) of available WAB widgets and associated widget live demos. This is based on the work we have been doing for a range of central and local government clients (NZTA, Auckland Council, Ministry for Primary Industries, Waimakariri District Council). As a result, all of the available widgets are based on government IP and therefore FREELY available to other government organisations. For non-government organisations, it represents a great resource for what is available and possible with WAB. The widgets, developed by GBS, are based on enhancements to what is available from Esri out of the box (OOTB), other community widgets and brand new widgets that GBS has created for our clients. The documentation identifies the genesis of each widget, and if it is based on an existing OOTB, how and why it was enhanced.
The online resources are dynamic and we are adding to them as widgets are created or enhanced. In 2016 we expect that these resources will continue to be expanded as the GIS Council Consortium (GISCo) undertake more enhancements and require more custom widgets. In addition, there are other community members creating widgets in NZ and overseas. Note that this resource is not an exhaustive list of all WAB widgets. These resources are targeted at the widgets that have been developed or enhanced by GBS.
So, what does this mean for you? Well, if you are looking at creating new and / or improved web mapping applications (upgrading from Flex or Silverlight, replacing Dekho, or implementing a more responsive web application), then this represents a great place to start to help you get some ideas and see what is possible. In addition, these online resources are designed to showcase GBS’ experience with putting together WAB based solutions. The WAB makes it pretty easy to put together simple web mapping applications. However, bringing it all together into a more complex viewer with a custom template, system integrations, and meeting other requirements that go beyond what you can do OOTB, are not trivial tasks. GBS has been doing this for a while now, so we can advise and assist you and help you to put together a great solution based on these free resources.
Contact Harley Prowse ( or Tony Elson ( to get access to these online resources and chat to us about how we can assist you.