
Shane Turk | Geographic Business Solutions

GBS Wellington team expands – Welcome Shane Turk

Shane Turk joined GBS in early August 2020, as our Senior Esri Technical Consultant in Wellington. Born in Wellington and brought up in Rotorua.  Shane has over 18 years of experience in Location Intelligence and data architecture. He has a particular focus on the use of spatial data and services to make informed decisions via [...]
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GBS Wellington | Geographic Business Solutions

GBS opens in Wellington

GBS Opens in Wellington GBS is pleased to announce that we have recently launched a Wellington-based presence, which commenced in March and is headed by GBS’ Senior Geospatial Consultant Manu King. GBS has clients in Wellington and while building the business remotely from Auckland has had some success, Tony and Harley have decided that their […]

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GBS Esri Release Ready Specialty | Geographic Business Solutions

GBS gains Esri Release Ready Specialty

GBS gains Esri Release Ready Specialty GBS is pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Esri Release Ready Specialty. Esri partners who have the Release Ready Specialty are recognised as being committed to keeping pace with the ever-growing Esri technology stack, as well as delivering Esri based solutions, services or content to organisations across their enterprise […]

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Line Plot in R | Geographic Business Solutions

Spatial Data Science – What is it? (part 3)

Data Science with R & Esri (part 3) By GBS’ Spatial Data Scientist, Phil Donovan TLDR: Esri have now integrated R into ArcPro which brings one of the most advanced data science environments with one of the most advanced geospatial analysis environments. R for Esri “R? Oh, no! Not another tech tool I need to […]

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Data science 2 feat image | Geographic Business Solutions

Spatial Data Science – What is it? (Part 2)

Spatial Data Science – What is it? (Part 2) Classifying our world Blog mini-series by Phil Donovan, GBS Spatial Data Scientist  Spatial data science is being applied all over the world and being used to enhance both large and small organisations globally. But how can it help you? In this blog post I want to provide […]

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Machine learning comic | Geographic Business Solutions

Spatial Data Science – What is it? (part 1)

Spatial Data Science – What is it? What is data science, and what is a data scientist? Blog mini-series by Phil Donovan, GBS Spatial Data Scientist  Data science is a term that has burst into many of our lives, both in IT and everyday conversations over the last few years. It is a buzz word […]

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Spatial Data Science – A Mini Series

Spatial Data Science – What is it? Blog mini-series by Phil Donovan, GBS Spatial Data Scientist  GBS’ Phil Donovan has written a blog mini series defining Spatial Data Science. What is it, what is a data scientist, who uses data science and how is it applied in a geospatial sense? Click through to each part of […]

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NZ Esri User Conference 2019 header | Geographic Business Solutions

NZ Esri User Conference 2019 feat: Vlogs

NZ Esri User Conference 2019 featuring Vlogs from the GBS team The NZ Esri User Conference 2019 (NZEUC) – the largest annual gathering of the NZ GIS community – is a must-attend event to hear first-hand about the strategic Esri direction and technical advances in GIS for 2020 and beyond. With the uptake of Cloud […]

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San Diego Esri User Conference 2019: Vlogs

San Diego Esri User Conference , 2019 The annual San Diego Esri User Conference took place this year from July 8th – 12th. In previous years we’ve blogged retrospectively about our key learnings and take-aways from the event, but this year we are keeping ahead of the curve with a series of ‘vlogs’ to discuss […]

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GBS Korea logo | Geographic Business Solutions

GBS Korea: Developing an International Business in Asia

GBS Korea has now been operational for a year. Over that time, we have faced some challenges and broken some new territory with GBSK now starting to get some solid traction. GBSK has completed some small projects and is now undertaking some larger projects as we build our expertise and credibility. Below are 5 key […]

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